Modernize and Automate
your SharePoint

QuickApps is an innovative No-Code solution that can completely transform your SharePoint experience and help maximize your ROI. With QuickApps, business users can build complex business applications for SharePoint On-premise or SharePoint Online 80% faster using simple point-and-click configuration instead of custom coding.

QuickApps Benefits

QuickApps V/S Native SharePoint

Aggregating List Limited Limited Yes
Grouping Only 2 Level Only 2 Level Unlimited
UI and Theme Design Limited Limited 30+ Pre-packaged Themes
Parent Child Relation between Lists No No Yes
Export in Multiple Formats No No Yes
Filters and Replace Limited Limited Yes
Animated Dashboard and Charts No No Available
System integration
(Web Services, SQL, Oracle)
Limited Limited Available

Some of the most loved QuickApps web-apps include

Combine data from multiple lists, even across sites, site collections and web applications

Create Compelling 3-D Charts with data from multiple lists across sites, site collections and web

Combine all calendars into one view, including data from
non-calendar lists

Display Multiple web apps on a page efficiently using tabs to maximize
screen real estate

Build advanced list forms with multiple tabs to save valuable
screen space

Present SharePoint list data in a drop down control

Build a collapsible and hierarchical panel menu for
improved navigation

Configure a hierarchical menu system, enabling you to create complex menus that occupy minimum screen real estate