
RE: Passing Session values from a qSiListView to a qListForm

RE: Passing Session values from a qSiListView to a qListForm


Hi ,


I would like to descript the consume session value feature in qListFrom. As you know, if the Field Type set to ‘Consume value from a session’, you must define the ‘Site URL’, ‘List Name’ and the ‘Cusome Session Display Field Name’ at the same time. About the  ‘Consume Session Display Field Name’ setting, as description in ezEdit: “You can consume value from a specific field by specifying the field name in the Display Field Name.” this field come from the ‘List Name’ setting, in addition, you set the display name here, qListFrom will convert it to internal name before getting the value.


So that may explain why it doesn’t work for you in document library. For example, if you modify the ‘Title’ field to ‘FirstName’ in your document library, then you set the ‘Consume Session Display Field Name’ to ‘FirstName’, and in your qSIListView, you also have a column which named to ‘FirstName’. That cannot work in this case. Because qListFrom will use ‘Title’(not the ‘FirstName’) as a key to search the session, and qSIListView doesn’t provide it.


If that is the case, for workaround, you can create a custom list, and create a new filed which column name is the same as qSIListView(to make sure the display name is the same as internal name), then set this list under the ‘Consume value from a session’ setting in qListForm. That may sound a little strange, but as ’s said, qListForm was not designed to consume session from external data.
