09/12/2011 at 7:49 am #4960
Hi Linda,
This is what you need to do to accomplish your goal:
Thi sis my env:
Site name: QWP doc lib name Lib
Subsite name QWP1 (subsite of QWP) doc lib name QWP1
– use qListview to display both doc libraries (you can aggregate them from different sites)
Viewed List config
<List SiteUrl="./qwp1" ListName="Lib1" />
<List SiteUrl="." ListName="Lib" />
Display fields:
<Field Name="Name" />
<Field Name="Title" />
– select one document then click Copy/Move
The following dialog shows up
– Then select the action and the destination.
I hope this helps.
If you find that this answers your question pelase mark it so.
Any questions please let me know.