
RE: qListForm Popup when Required fields not filled out

RE: qListForm Popup when Required fields not filled out


Hi ,

  When a required field has no data we display in red the message "Required!" next to the field. This is the default behavior.

You can add a popup message if you create a custom action based on the code sample we supply installation folder of the product (…\program

files\Quest Software\in the Quest Web Parts for Sharepoint xxx).

Open the solution using Visual Studio, go to the pleCustomActionsAndCustomLayouts project and open the file pleCustomActionEx.cs.

In the Perform method you need to do something like this

if (item != null)


if (item["CityID"] != null)


evt.Cancel =


evt.Message =

"CityID can't be empty";



And that will popup the message you can see it in the below. Please not thet the CityID in my list is not a required field.

If you have nay questions please let me know.
