
RE: qsilistview limit returned items created today and yesterday

RE: qsilistview limit returned items created today and yesterday


add this to the complex filter:

datefield=[TODAY] OR datefield>=AddDays([TODAY], -1)

Documentation on the complex filter:


FieldName comparison-operator FieldExpression

Comparison operator is one of these: =, <> (not equal), <, >, <=, >=, LIKE

FieldExpression can be one of the following:

String – A string is enclosed with single quote; for example 'Accounting'. A string can contain wild-card character % or * when used in conjunction with the LIKE operator. For example: 'M%', 'M*'. A wild-card character is not allowed in the middle of a string. Therefore, this expression is illegal: 'Te*xt'

Numbers – Numbers are not enclosed. For example: 20, 20.5, 0.5. If you enclose a number with a single quote, it will be treated as string.

Dates – For example: February 5, 2005 11:50 PM is #2005-02-05T23:50:00Z#.

[ME] – This expression will be replaced with the name of the currently logged-in user.

[TODAY] – This expression will be replaced with midnight of today's date.

[NOW] – This expression will be replaced with the current date and time.

Date function – The following date functions are supported: AddSeconds, AddMinutes, AddHours, AddDays, AddMonths and AddYears. Their syntax is DateFunction(dateValue, number). For example: AddDays([TODAY], 7) adds 7 days to today's date