I think I will make a specific entry for this but here is the basics, reading it I understand it a bit more complex then it should be, so I will flesh it out.
Complex Category was mainly aimed at customers who were converting from Notes discussion to SharePoint. People who used notes discussion may find the similarity but its useful elsewhere of course.
First, you need to create the Complex Category List. There are three ways to create it: using Indexer tool from ezEdit (this can be used for massive or large number of lists converting from Notes); using web part context menu “Create Complex Category List” (see screenshot); or after you installed QWP4SP, the “Complex Category List” custom list is there for you, you can click to Create a List off it and follow the naming convention (List Name + “Complex Categories”).
Add a new column to the list called Category <<<this is important
See Attached
See Attached
The list is now set up and ready for use.
Second, you need to use qListForm to create discussion and create one or many complex categories. Just configure qListForm to the proper mode (NewItemList) and connect to the List and Complex Category List.
Configure the “DisplayFields” property and make sure you include “Category” field (you discussion list should have the field, if not, add a single line of text field for it). Edit this field in qListForm DisplayField editor and select “Complex Category” for the field type
Notice that the bottom portion allows you to create/edit/add category. You can create new discussion item with multiple category or multi-level category. When you save, the category is saved to the “Complex Category Index List” and the original List.
I will flesh this out in a larger post to launch a discussion around configurating qDiscussionView
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