
Changing Date format for a Calculated Date column to UK format in the qListView


Changing Date format for a Calculated Date column to UK format in the qListView


Changing Date format for a Calculated Date column to UK format in the qListView

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Changing Date format for a Calculated Date column to UK format in the qListView


qListView does not see it as a text value so it displays it in the US date format


If you have created a SharePoint calculated column called CalcDate for displaying this formula using a Date Time column called Date :


and just selecting the Date only radio button, if you displayed this column using the qListView Webpart it would display in a US Format even though your Regional Settings for the Site Collection is set to English (United Kingdom). What you need to do to resolve this issue is create a new Calculated column for the Out of the Box SharePoint list and use the following formula:

=TEXT(CalcDate,"DD/MM/YYYY") and this will change the first Calculated column into the correct date format for the UK.

Under the Data returned section for this column select Date & Time and then Date Only under Date time format. Once you have done this display this column in the qListView Webpart and then the date will displayed in the UK Date format. 

Defect ID

qListView does not see it as a text value so it displays it in the US date format

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