
Email functionality not working


Email functionality not working


Email functionality not working

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SMTP server is specified in Configuration Editor for all web-front-end server. But QWP is unable to send e-mails. However, SharePoint is able to send e-mails natively.


This solution contains steps that can be done during troubleshooting if email functionality is not working in QWP.


1) Make sure SMTP server is specified correctly in web.config files for all web applications.

2) From a WFE server try to send e-mail using telnet as described in the following article: Telnet to Port 25 to Test SMTP Communication

The following needs to be executed:

telnet SMTP.mail.com 25
mail from:email@mail.com
rcpt to:email@mail.com
Subject: Test

3) Install Wireshark on a WFE and filter traffic for tcp.port eq 25 (25 is default port for SMTP). This should return all communication between WFE and SMTP. If there are any errors or QWP is not sending requests you will see it in the tool.

Wireshark result looks as follows:

ATT - 20121016_132258_wireshark.png

Defect ID

This solution contains steps that can be done during troubleshooting if email functionality is not working in QWP.

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