The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package Error 2869
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2869
qChartView not showing up the columns if the count exceed 2000
qChartView not showing up the columns if the count exceed 2000.
How to: Move or upgrade content databases with QuickApps for SharePoint installed
This document will describe what needs to be done when moving or doing database upgrades on content databases that have QuickApps installed on them.
qListView ezEdit Display Fields edit screen error “httpvaluecollection.throwifmaxhttpcollectionkeysexceeded()” when accessing a list with large #’s of columns.
When trying to edit a list through EZEdit that has a lot of columns you get an Correlation ID error after clicking OK or Cancel.
Email Notifications will not include a custom message
Using QuickApps 6.1, email Notifications will send an email to a user, but will not include a custom message, or a predefined message. It seems to only send the links correctly.
How can you pass a Filter operator to a Stored Proc?
When sending values to the SQL store procedure, how can you also pass which operator is being used (e.g. contains, equals, between or before)?
SharePoint descriptions are not visible under the fields when displayed in QuickApps.
SharePoint descriptions are not visible under the fields when displayed in QuickApps.
Default values for lookup fields are not matched by the item value, but instead the item ID
Setting a default value in a lookup field is not possible by using the display value. Instead, the items ID will have to be used to pick and set the correct value in the qListForm dropdown.
Is there a way to allow to easily list/display related items in a table within the qListForm?
Is there a way to allow to easily list/display related items in a table within the qListForm?
qListView when grouping selecting all items won’t select the items in collapsed groups
When grouping selecting all items will not get selected in the collapsed groups using a qListView