
RE: Create New Trainee error (and other feedback on CBT)

RE: Create New Trainee error (and other feedback on CBT)


Hi Ron,

  I'll try to answer your questions.

– Configuration Editor is a tool (exe) provided within our installation package that allows you to modify web.config files in a clean way so the QWP can work properly. Once you launch the tool you can access the documentation from the menu Help->Content. This will provide you all the details you need to understand and use this tool. What you need to do is open your web from the toolbar or menu then select the items is red and use the button Fix to fix that. This toll backups your file in case that something goes wrong and you want to restore your site.

– use deployCBT.bat instead. You can launch it with Administrative permissions by selecting the file, make right click and pick "Run as administrator" option

– for the error you get when creating trainees you need to deploy the file Quest.WebParts.CBT.dll to the GAC on each WFE servers you have in your farm (see more details here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dkkx7f79.aspx) or just simply drag and drop file to the folder c:\windows\assemblies

If you still have any issues or questions please let me know and I'll be happy to answer them.