
RE: How to create an Edit Form?

RE: How to create an Edit Form?


Hi Alex,

Please see my inline comments. From 1 to 5 everything is ok.

6. So, I copied my qlistform that I already created and placed it on a different page. I changed form type from new to edit. Once I click ok I get the HTTP parameter ID error. As dicussed I go to the URL: http:/…./myedit and add ?ID=1 which does not work

After you first create your edit page you get that error because the ID (remember that the ID field name in some cases has to be changed) is missing from the url. Once you got to the qListView and Edit an item the ID will be passed on t the qListForm that is in Edit mode.

7. I then use a different field "Project ID" so I do /myedit?Project ID=1 and I still get an error

Please use the unique list items identifier (default is ID but it can be changed).

8. I change the url to /myedit?Project ID=35 and now the correct entry is displayed (I guess once I delete entries from my list – it does not start over with "1" but keeps a numerical count

ID is unique and if you delete one ID that ID won't be used anymore. Above, I gave you the example ID=1 but it can be any existing ID.

9. So I have the editfield form displayed with ?ProjectID=35 from my URL. I have no idea what to do from here – the computer based training just stops.

Use the Edit option from teh context menu to edit an item or use LinkTo feature (check our docs for more details).

10. I copy the link from the qlistform (the one for editing) into qlistview (the same way I did it for the displaying new items except I paste it in the "Edit Form URL" option) The link does not include the ProjectID=35 part…just the link of where the qlistform is located.

You need to add to that link …myEdit.aspx?ProjectID=<%ProjectID%>. e idea works for LinkTo.

11. Now on my qlistview webpart when I click edit properties I am redirected to a page but get an error saying:

You get the error because is using the ID not the ProjectID.