
RE: qSelector (or Stupid Newbie Question from Stupid Newbie)

RE: qSelector (or Stupid Newbie Question from Stupid Newbie)


Perhpas this is my error, perhaps this is a bug…

When I try to pass the id parameter into the "Link To" (on my hyperlink field in a qListForm) using the ezEdit UI the value is not passed correctly.  Following the help screen instructions as best I could, I set the Linked To equal to site/subsite/…DispForm.aspx?ID=<%ID%>

That led to all kinds of screwy URLs along the lines of …DispForm.aspx?AID=<%25ID%25>

It turns out that ezEdit was creating the XML as …DispForm.aspx?AID=&amp;lt;%ID%&amp;gt; Basically converting the ampersand that I needed to demarcate the HTML encodings of "<" and ">" into the HTML encoding for the ampersand.

In order for the ID to be passed correctly, I had to manually edit the XML to remove the "amp" in both the beginning and the end of the parameter.  After that the value was passed to my new URL correctly.

Not sure if it's my error or a bug, but if you can reproduce it we should report it as a bug.  (Where can I report bugs, by the way?)

Thanks again!