
RE: Selected List Item from List View shows details on same page

RE: Selected List Item from List View shows details on same page


Assuming you have two qListviews on the same page: qListview1 and qListview2.  Create a hyperlink in qListview1 on one of the columns you want the user to select (ezEdit/display fields, Link to). In the hyper link, reference the url of the current page and a url parameter value that you want to pass to qListview 2 for example: /sites/demosite/default.aspx?PassedID=<%ID%>.

In qListView2, you will define a CAML filter that uses the passed url value (PassedID) to filter the list. ezEdit/CAML Filter/Add Condition

FieldName: ID  (could be any key you want to filter qListview2 on that can be found in qListview1)

Operator: Equal to

Value Source: HttpParameter

Source Name: PassedID

Now, when the user clicks the hyper link on qListview1, the page is refreshed and the url is passed to qListview2 as a http parameter so qListview2 is filtered based on the user's selection.

Curtis Kelly

PM, Quest Web Parts for SharePoint