
Selected List Item from List View shows details on same page

Selected List Item from List View shows details on same page

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    • #3927

      I’m trying to display the details of the selced list item from a list view on the same page…any help to get the web parts and connections set up would be appreciated.  I’ve tried a couple things but am just missing something and I’m not sure what it is.  Right now I’m using a List View and Item Display web parts.  I’ve also tried the List View and List Form web parts to display the details of the selected item…not sure what the right way is?


    • #5111

      Assuming you have two qListviews on the same page: qListview1 and qListview2.  Create a hyperlink in qListview1 on one of the columns you want the user to select (ezEdit/display fields, Link to). In the hyper link, reference the url of the current page and a url parameter value that you want to pass to qListview 2 for example: /sites/demosite/default.aspx?PassedID=<%ID%>.

      In qListView2, you will define a CAML filter that uses the passed url value (PassedID) to filter the list. ezEdit/CAML Filter/Add Condition

      FieldName: ID  (could be any key you want to filter qListview2 on that can be found in qListview1)

      Operator: Equal to

      Value Source: HttpParameter

      Source Name: PassedID

      Now, when the user clicks the hyper link on qListview1, the page is refreshed and the url is passed to qListview2 as a http parameter so qListview2 is filtered based on the user's selection.

      Curtis Kelly

      PM, Quest Web Parts for SharePoint

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