
Calculations in qListForm

Calculations in qListForm

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    • #4131

      I know that I can concatenate text fields together as a ‘Calculated Format’ in the display fields properties.  I have an instance where the users want to perfom mathamatical calculations on the form without saving the data.  I tried to do a simple text of <%Field A%>*<% Field B%> and when the autopost executes to refresh the form, I get an error “Input String was not in the correct format”.  Is it possible to do complex math on fields?  Or does someone have a suggestion for how I can implement an interactive form where calculations can be completed without the need for saving data to the list.  Thanks in advance for yor ideas.

    • #4803

      Based on what I know, you would need to use a different tool — say, Infopath — to accomplish this, if standard SP calculated columns will not suffice.  And it doesn't sound like they would.


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