
Checked out documents "locked by other user" when trying to open in qlistview web part

Checked out documents "locked by other user" when trying to open in qlistview web part

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    • #4224

      I am using a qlistview web part to access a document library in another site collection. The library has versioning and check in/out turned on. From the qlistview web part, I can open a checked in document and check it out, but once I close it and try to reopen it in edit mode, it says it is locked by another user, which is me. If I go directly to the library it opens fine. It doesn’t matter how long I wait to try to reopen it, so the infamous “Microsoft ten minute” rule does not apply to this.

      My version of Quest Web Parts is up to date.

      Thank you for any help.

    • #5323

      Hi Jessica,

        I'm trying to reproduce the issue in my env. but I can't see the behavior you see.

      I have multiple doc libs from different site collections for which I have version and check in/out turned on.

      I have no problems checking out docs, edit them, check them in the repeat the steps.

      If I open directly the doc and try to edit, I'm asked by Word to check out the doc, I do that, then I edit then I check in the doc. I can repeat then the same steps and I don't get any messages saying that the cod is already checked out.

      Can you please double check that what I'm doing is what you do. If your steps are differnt then please let me know the sequence so I can do the same.


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