
Passing Filter Values From qChartView to Drill-down qListview

Passing Filter Values From qChartView to Drill-down qListview

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    • #5394

      Hi Gerald,

        Hoping that I understood correctly your scenario I'd suggest the following:

      – use a session (let's call it Session1) to filter and display the data in the qChartView

      – set the drill down configuration that points to a page that contains a qListView. The drill down link passes a parameter in the URL. Use this URL parameter to filter the data in the qListView along with the data stored in Session1 to filter the data using CAML filter property

      Please let me know how this goes.

    • #5870

      Hi ,

      Thanks for the reply.  I don't follow you completely.  I see a "Search Session Name" field but not a "Set Session Name" field in the qChartView, so how do I "use a session (let's call it Session1) to filter and display the data in the qChartView?"  I want the user to be able to use multiple Searched Fields in the qChartView to filter the display, and when they select on a "pie slice", whatever Searched Fields they used will be passed to the drill-down.  Here's an example:  I have a pie chart that displays the status of tasks (Behind Schedule, On schedule, Ahead of Schedule).  I also have 3 departments (sales, marketing, finance) each with several employees.  The boss wants to look at the statuses for just the Finance department.  So the boss uses the Department Search Field to filter the display.  The chart now shows the statuses for Finance's tasks.  When the boss selects the "Behind Schedule" slice of the pie, I want the user to see all the "Behind Schedule" tasks…but for Finance only.  Right now, the way I have it setup, it will show only "Behind Schedule" tasks…but all of them, regardless of department.  It does know that I only want the Behind Schedule tasks, but it doesn't "pass" the additional department filter to the drop-down results. In my limited knowledge of how this works, it seems that I would have to create a session in the qChartView that the qListview would then utilize.  Make sense?

    • #4478


      How can I pass selected multiple filter values that I have configured in a qChartView through to the associated drill-down qListview so that it displays the data associated with the “pie slice” selected, but filtered by the qChartViews filter settings?

      SharePoint 2010

      5.7 Build 2012.3.15.

    • #5869

      Hi Gerald,

        I see 2 options :

      1. Use the Search Session Name wp property to store the search criteria and use this in the drill down page.

      2. Use a qSelector to display the statuses and store these value in a session. You can do the same for the departments. And then you can use these sessions to filter the data on the drill down page.

      Let me know if is still unclear.

    • #5396

      Hi , I keep trying but to no avail. I have a qChartview on one page and a qlistview on another page.  I put the URL to the qListView in the "Drill Down Chart URL" field of the data series configuration page of the chart.  I then enter the word "Details" in the "Search Session Name" field on the display tab.  The Chart is configured in the CAML to display the total number of past due activities for the entire division (“date completed” is null & “due date” < “Today”), but displayed by individual branches (simple bar chart). The Chart works fine. How do I configure the qListView so that it will reference the Session Name, so that when I click on a branch in the chart, I only drill down to the details for that branch?  Without using the Session Name, and simply duplicating the chart’s CAML settings, I select a branch and see the past due for the entire division. ALSO…is it possible to setup the "Drill Down Chart URL" to open the detail page in another window instead of the current one? Thanks, Gerald

    • #5873


      No victory yet. I've attached 's recent reply…which states the solution isn't available yet. If you find a solution, please let me know. I really can't spend any more cycles on it. Thanks!


      G. O'Grady

      SharePoint Administrator



      Office: 301-743-4141

    • #5877

      1. Use the Search Session Name wp property to store the search criteria and use this in the drill down page. …………….

      So far for me, that  approach does not work.  I crated a session name in qChartView – let say "SearchSessionX".  Filter selection on qChartView works fine.  Then on drilldown page (qListView), I tried to use/reference that "SearchSessionX" in the CAML filter, hoping there would be preserved values from my filter search on qChartView.  Nope, No data came back.  Is there a special syntax to reference search sessions from calling pages?

      Maybe I am missing a step. 



    • #5876

      Hi Gerald,

      If you still have issues please contact Customer Support and open a case so we can help you through a web session.

      Sorry for the silence, I knew that we haven't solve the issue but I forgot about it.


    • #5875

      Hi Gerald,

      If you have  found a solution to your issue, can you please shoot me an email?  I am trying to do the exact same thing as you are and running into the same issues too.



    • #5874

      I came up with a quick test.  I have a list call Employee with department column for employees in the company.

      1) I created qSelector, qCharetview and qListView .

          qSelector is based on Department column of Employee List. 

          qChartview is also based on Employee List and filter that is searching on department column.

          qListView is based on Employee List with CAML filter.

      2) I created session for qSelector (Session Name = selectorSession)  and qChartview ( Search Session Name = chartSession). 

      3) I picked a department(HR) in qSelector. 

          I also picked a department(Finance) in filter of qChartView.  The chart displyed fine with just showing the employees in Finance department.

      4) I created a CAML  filter in qListView as below to test the filter of employees by their departments from what the user has selected in above qSelector and qChartView.


           <FieldRef Name='Department" />

          <Value Type="Text" Source="Session" SourceName="Department" SessionName="selectorSession" SiteUrl="." Listname="Employee" />


      It works.  Returned rows of employees in HR department.


           <FieldRef Name='Department" />

          <Value Type="Text" Source="Session" SourceName="Department" SessionName="chartSession" SiteUrl="." Listname="Employee" />


      Does Not Work!  Hoping to see employees in Finance dept.  But no records were returned.

      This query works with referencing session object of  "selectorSession" – it can retrieve the values in that session.

      but does not work with referencing sessionName = "chartSession".  Returns no rows.

      Conclusion:  you can pass parameter values and retrieve values in other filters using qSelector session but not with Search Session for chart filters.

      Hope I am right.  maybe someone can verify that.


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