
qListForm calculated column questions

qListForm calculated column questions

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    • #4956

      To clarify I want to be able to display this information on the newlist item view of the qListForm,  if this isn't possible, would it be possible to setup a display view qListForm on the same page as the new item view qListform and use a connection to tie the two together.  I've been trying this approach but I'm not sure how to pass the item id from one web part to the other.

    • #3949

      I am working on using the qListForm to create score cards for quaility monitoring.  I am using calculated fields to track the scoring of each answer.  Is there a way to get the calculated columns to display on the qListForm. I know they cannot be added directly, but we are wanting a way to display the scoring as the questions are being answer so it can be reviewed before form is saved so corrections can be made if necessary.

    • #6667

      Since you're creating a new item the problem we have here is that the item ID is not generated yet so we can't pass it to the second qListForm.

      What you could try is using a custom code. Please take a look to the Sample Code that we provide with our installation package (check the installation folder) and the help file to see how that works and let me know.

    • #6663

      Hi Paul,

         There are few option available to do that.

      1. Put the page in Edit mode then go to the web part menu (verbs) and select Connections.

          4 options show up, 2 are obsolete and the other 2 are Get Row From and Send Row To. Pick what's the most appropriate for you.

          Then a wizard shows up that would help you to complete

      2. Another option would be to use the Session.

      Please check the documentation regardig to this topic.

      If you have any questions please let me know.

    • #6664

      I am familiar with the connections and have been able to get them partialy configured, the problem I'm running into is passing the item id from one web part to another.  I'm unclear on how to do that.  I am able to setup the consume value from other web part property but I'm getting errors because I'm not passing the item id to the secondary display webpart.

    • #6665

      Hi Paul,

        Would you mind to answer to the following questions?

        How is set up the first qListForm?


        How do you get the list item in the first qListForm?

        Is the qListForm in Edit/New/display mode?

      The reason I'm asking all these questions is because there are lots of combinations/situations that you can have and I'm not sure which way to go.


    • #6666

        How is set up the first qListForm?


           The first qListForm is setup in NewItem Mode.  there are a series of questions on the form that when answered cause several calculated fields to be filled in.

        How do you get the list item in the first qListForm?

      We are creating the list item in the form itself.  I was hoping of being able to use autopost back to push the data to the list and using a secondary qlistform on the same page set to display mode to display the data stored in the caclulated columns.

        Is the qListForm in Edit/New/display mode?

      Currently I only have one qListForm and it is set to New mode.  but I'm hoping by using a second qlistform set to displaymode that I'll be able to display the data from the calculated columns.

      Let me know if I can provide more detail or if anything is unclear.

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