
qListForm – make read only fields in edit item form

qListForm – make read only fields in edit item form

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    • #5449

      Hi Mandeep,

        You can make a field read-only on a qListForm by setting the field property "Field Type" (ezEdit->DisplayFields->Edit field and scroll to the bottom of the dialog).

      Let's say that you come to the qListForm from a qListView, then on a qListView set the session and on the qListForm Field Type you can set the property to "Consume value from a session" and provide the session name and the field name.

      Please check the docs for more information about the "Field Type" setting.

    • #4442


      Is there away to make some field readonly in qListForm ( edit item form). I have tried using the following:

      <Field Name=”Title” AllowEdit=”False” />

      Also, we use a third part tool to apply column level permissions. We can declare fields editable or read only for certain user groups and it works fine with out of the box Sharepoint forms. Once Quest form is used these column level permissions are ignored and users are able to modify the restricted data.

      This tool is called “Sharepoint Column Protector” from Datapolis. Do you have any information about compatibility with Quest webparts.


    • #5668

      Hi ,

      Thanks for the quick reply.

      I have tried it and it works if I am consuming fields from sessions. In this case it we don't want to use sessions if we don't have to. We have experienced that sessions can have performance issues for large data sets.

      Is there another way using some custom code we can keep the filed as regular field but still able to make it readonly ?


    • #5450

      There are couple of ways to make a read only field on qListForm. For the scenario you described, seems that using Form Component Behavior may be one way to go.

      Using Form Compnent Behavior, you can define the behavior for specific field, group or tab to either disable/enable, hide/show based on condition.

      The other method simply involves using Calculated Format field type and specify field format as <%Field Name%>, which will render the field as readonly field without input box next to the field name on the form.

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