
QListView: How do I "Get" and Apply values from a user-entered "Date-Range"

QListView: How do I "Get" and Apply values from a user-entered "Date-Range"

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    • #4806

      Hi Kirk,

         For the first question I'd suggest you to go and use ezEdit instead of the Wizard. Select your lists and then select the fields that you want to display.

      Please let me know how that goes.

      Regarding the second question, talk to the users how they'd like to see the data. Since we're talking about dates you can offer them some options sort the result by date,  group by date, expand /collapse the group by default.  Also the user has the option to sort by different fields using the header of the field.

    • #3868

      I have two major item lists and then each has it’s own associated list created by a workflow to track related activity.  I need to present a rollup of the two major types and key fields from the related lists – I selected all four sources as “Lists” in the eWizard but noticed that key fields are not available to select in the “Display” tab.  I’m not sure what I’m not doing wrong, because I thought for certain I could display aggregated informatoin from more than four sources.

      Secondly, what is the best way to present the user with a DATE RANGE filter where they define the start and end date and Qlistview displays records within the specified range?  I don’t mind if you even provide me the place to go and read this.

      Thanks in advance!

    • #6739

      Thanks for your reply . 

      I in fact did use ezEdit after initially using the wizard tool to select the lists.  The problem is I am not seeing the fields from the associated lists.  The major lists are where users create each project according to it's type by adding a record and selecting specific attributes in that form (each dropdown pointing to other lists).  There are Corporate Projects and Franchisee Projects – and they will be tracked through to launch in this system. Other than a few specific fields and associated activities, most of the attributes of both types are the same. 

      Each Project (Corporate or Franchisee) will go through two major phases of activity to launch. I have workflows setup that populate other lists to track each activity and associated dates. I am trying to create a rollup report that displays all the Projects in the first phase (most data from the major list) and then a single date field stored in one of the "workflow-populated" lists.  (But even after adding the major list and the workflow populated list – only the fields from the major list show up in the "Display Fields" section of the configurator).

      Regarding the filter – I need to be able to allow my users to enter a start date and end date. Then when they click "Submit" – only the records (Major Project and Associated Date described above) where that date falls within the range are displayed.  Is there something in how I add the Lists that is causing my trouble?


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