
SP 2010 qListView pop up form like OOB SP ListView

SP 2010 qListView pop up form like OOB SP ListView

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    • #4072

      Is there any way in the qListView web part to have the forms (view properties, edit properties) pop up like they do by default in the out of the box (OOB) list views in SharePoint 2010 rather than going to the page displayform.aspx and editform.aspx pages?

      Like this…


    • #6491

      I see what you mean Sandy.

      You can accomplish some of what you want if you add a 2 custom actions, save + goto.

      You hit Edit in qListView, go to the edit page (not popup) the when the item gets saved the user will be redirected to the qListView.

      It's just an idea.

    • #4773

      Hi Sandy,

        Please take a look to the below images. They show how to accomplish what you want.

      First, go to the list configuration and use the button marked in red to edit the page for New/Edit/Display.

      Add the qListForm there, hide the default web part, set up the qListForm in Edit/New/Display.

      After this, when use create a new item or edit an existing item the form will popup form with the qListform on it.

      Please let me know if you have any questions.

      If you find my answer helpful/answered please mark it so.



    • #6490

      Not exactly what I meant.   I meant from a qListView how do you get the form pop up not redirect to the page when you click on the View Properties or Edit Properties.  All my qListViews redirect to the actual page rather than pop up…whether it's a qListForm or the Out of the box form I want the qListView item that is selected to pop up not redirect…does that make sense?

      In your example your fist picture is an out of the box list view so when you click on the item you get the pop up that you displayed in the next few pictures.  How do you get the qListVeiw to do the same sort of thing?


      So in this qListView when I select View or Edit Properties I'm redirected to the DispForm.aspx rather than being presented with a pop up…I wondered if you can get the same sort of fuctionality with the qListView (allow pop-up dialog box) rahter than redirecting to the form page.

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