
ER: Cross-site lookup field is displaying an address instead of a value when we saved the form input


ER: Cross-site lookup field is displaying an address instead of a value when we saved the form input


ER: Cross-site lookup field is displaying an address instead of a value when we saved the form input

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When using a cross site lookup field in a qListForm it displays a format of http://url;#listName;#id instead of the actual value in the drop down


Currently this is by design and expected behaviour in the tool.



Use a hidden field with Auto Fill to get the value

1.     Create a field ProjectNumberHiddenValue.

2.     Add it to the Display Fields in qListForm. Set it to “Auto Fill with a lookup/cross-site lookup field”. Fill in the appropriate parameters as shown below. Configure it to Hidden (Checkbox Hidden in the Edit Display Fields Screen)

3.     Make the Display Field ProductNumber AutoPostBack. Check the checkbox AutoPostback in the Edit Display Fields Screen.


Enhancement request number “TF00415378" has been submitted to Development for consideration in a future release of QuickApps.

Defect ID

Currently this is by design and expected behaviour in the tool.

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