
INTERNAL: “unable to find an embedded skin with the name ‘Office2007’.”


INTERNAL: “unable to find an embedded skin with the name ‘Office2007’.”


INTERNAL: “unable to find an embedded skin with the name ‘Office2007’.”

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After upgrading to QuickApps 6.2, users are experiencing issues accessing their sites. The corresponding ULS log file throws the following error:

"System.InvalidOperationException: Telerik.Web.UI.RadMenu with ID='g_fefe833f_e94f_4e41_8199_d04b9bf08e65CascadingMenu' was unable to find an embedded skin with the name 'Office2007'. Please, make sure that the skin name is spelled correctly and that you have added a reference to the Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.dll assembly in your project."


The web.config for the SharePoint site has not been modified for QuickApps.



Launch the Configuration Editor and make any needed changes to the config.

Defect ID

The web.config for the SharePoint site has not been modified for QuickApps.

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