
qSIListView cannot display Chinese while connecting to Oracle database 11g


qSIListView cannot display Chinese while connecting to Oracle database 11g


qSIListView cannot display Chinese while connecting to Oracle database 11g

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qSIListView is unable to display Chinese Character when connecting to Oracle database. The Oracle database already set to display Chinese Character.

Hi, When I use qSIListView to retrieve records from Oracle database 11g, it cannot display Chinese characters and appears many “???????” the database is set to unicode I would like to clarify whether qSIListView supports unicode database? Thanks Theresa


There are various cause. Please see the resolution section for more details.


1. Please make sure the Internet Explorer is set to display Unicode (Go to View | Encoding is set to UTF-8).

2. Please check the following in the Oracle environment by running SQL*Plus. If there is already have table supporting Chinese characters, simply run a SELECT query against the table and ensure Chinese characters are displayed properly.

SQL> CREATE TABLE unicodedata (ID NUMBER, unicodestring NVARCHAR2(100));
Table created
SQL> INSERT INTO unicodedata VALUES (11, '??');
1 row inserted
SQL> SELECT * FROM unicodedata;
---------- ---------------------------------------------------
        11 ??

3. Once the above is confirm, please check the connection string that used in System/Service definition via the Configuration Editor tool.
Typically when non-latin characters in database are not retreived correctly is due to the encoding. The 3rd party Oracle connection provider that Quick App are using enables it to use UTF-8 encoding via connection string so you should be able to fix this issue by adding "Unicode=true" to the existing connection string.

Defect ID

There are various cause. Please see the resolution section for more details.

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