“Right now I can add two calendars in one view. But I want them showing in different colors. (I mean one calendar has its own color…then I can identify this event comes from which calendar). Is there a way to make this happen”?
“Right now I can add two calendars in one view. But I want them showing in different colors. (I mean one calendar has its own color…then I can identify this event comes from which calendar). Is there a way to make this happen”?
In SP20010 starting from QWP 5.4.1, events belonging to the same calendar are automatically colored the same. Adding a new calendar will have its events shown in a new color not yet used by the calendars already added to qCalendarView. You can define your own color appearances (if you don't like the default colors) under Legend Appearance in ezEdit.
If you don't have this feature available, then you can define a new column in a calendar list that stores the name of the calendar, and configure Color Appearances based on the value of this column.