

Memory leak using Quest Webparts for SharePoint

Memory leak using Quest Webparts for SharePoint

Error messages in the SharePoint ULS logs:-
An SP Request object was not disposed before the end of this thread. To avoid wasting system resources, dispose of this object or its parent (such as an SPSite or SPWeb) as soon as you are done using it. This object will now be disposed.

The memory leak error messages would keep appearing in the SharePoint ULS logs.

Presence Indicator not showing correct status in the qListView webpart

Presence Indicator not showing correct status in the qListView webpart

When using the qListView in Quest WebParts for SharePoint the presence indicator is not showing the correct display from the Office Communicator. The columns containing the person should show the status from the Office Communicator for the Presence Indicator.

qSIListView display field with currency display format does not display correctly

qSIListView display field with currency display format does not display correctly

When configuring qSIListView even though the column returns all number values and specified DisplayFormat as {0:c} – a valid currency display format, the column does not display properly. The number field displays as it is, without currency sign.

Error when updating license key:”The installer is unable to find a valid license for Quest Web Pa

Error when updating license key:”The installer is unable to find a valid license for Quest Web Pa

When updating the license key, the following error occur even the license key provided is a valid key:
The installer is unable to find a valid license for Quest Web Parts for SharePoint. Please install a valid license using the license manager. Please click the License Manager button to launch the License Manager.