

Web part management pages

Web part management pages

Sometimes Quest Web Parts section is not available on SharePoint Central Administration.

Custom Action to filter child qListView when selecting a parent Listitem

Custom Action to filter child qListView when selecting a parent Listitem


1. Created two lists where Event list may contain multiple Tasks items. (They are linked by EventID where parent.ID=chid.EventID).

2. Then created a qListView for the parent called “Events” and another qListView called “Tasks” on the same page.




When selecting an Event from the parent qListView, we want to display all tasks related to the selected Event.




Is there a way to configure the relationship or custom action?

Password needed for downloaded files

Password needed for downloaded files

I wanted to update our versions of Recovery Manager for Sharepoint and also Site Administrator for Sharepoint and I downloaded the full versions today. I am requred to enter passwords when I try to unzip the files. Where do I obtain the passwords needed to unzip?