

Receiving row threshold error when using qListForm multiple file upload option

Receiving row threshold error when using qListForm multiple file upload option

When trying to upload multiple files using qListForm you get an error about the threshold limit being excited.


"The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the administrator.Operations that exceed the list view threshold are allowed in the following time window defined by the administrator: "

Can ‘Send Email’ specify Users in an AD group?

Can ‘Send Email’ specify Users in an AD group?

Configuring qListView | Context menu | adding a 'Send Mail' from Custom Behavior, when you try to send an email and select "Show Users" it displays Explicit users and Groups but you are not able to select a user that is a member of one of those AD Groups.

“Error: The filter settings provided returned too many results. Narrow your search and try again.”

“Error: The filter settings provided returned too many results. Narrow your search and try again.”

Using qListView for a list with over 40000 items to show 3 columns (2 columns are text and the 3rd is a number), there is a filter setup on an indexed column. The filter used is:

 <FieldRef Name="Case_x005F_x0020_ID" />
 <Value Type="Number">668899</Value>

However, the following error is displayed immediately:

"Error: The filter settings provided returned too many results. Narrow your search and try again."