

Even with a valid License there is an error “Your evaluation period has expired”

Even with a valid License there is an error “Your evaluation period has expired”

After perfoming a clean installation, importing valid licenses to the WFE's and completeing an IISRESET, QuickApps was working correctly. However, after some time, the following error is being thrown eventhough the license is valid:
"Your evaluation period has expired or your license is for different version of QuickApps for SharePoint. Please contact Dell Software (http://software.dell.com/) to obtain a valid license."

App servers are being recognized as WFEs

App servers are being recognized as WFEs

After installing QuickApps and going to the Management Pages in Central Administration to apply the license, App servers are being recognized as Web Front End servers and need the license applied to them for QuickApps to work in the Site Collections.