


Why Automate Virtual Employee Onboarding with SharePoint Business Automation? “74% of organizations plan to permanently shift employees to remote work ...Read more
It is common knowledge that SharePoint is the ultimate choice of Intranet and Content Management System for organizations across the ...Read more
In 2020, more than 4.35 million enterprise applications were developed; that’s a whopping 24.13 percent more than 2019. -  US ...Read more
Consumer and business digital adoption has vaulted five years forward in only about a few weeks in light of COVID-19. ...Read more
Digital transformation is not a new concept that emerged in 2020. The need for digital transformation has existed many years ...Read more
The pandemic has impacted business priorities irrevocably and in far-reaching ways. Suddenly businesses found they needed to pivot on new ...Read more
Every industry and area of business is in a state of flux today. To keep pace with these times, it ...Read more
SharePoint is a vast tool. It is the heart of Enterprise Content Management Systems. Its feature set can be split ...Read more
As organizations in the U.S. and across the globe reopen slowly after the COVID-19 lockdown, it’s not back to business ...Read more